What is most interesting to me is the way no one really knows what goes on behind the scene. This is where knowing codetalk comes in. So the most interesting area of codetalk that I found to get my attention, is the part where I do not understand anything. Although in time all this will be in my dreams and my every thought for when I am ready to create, but for now I feel foreign to this lingo. This will dawn on me, one day.
If I did not find any of this interesting then I should get out of this type of line of work. The knowledge is endless. From the way a code works and what the elements of a design does. I did like how GitHub is an outlet to let you share and edit your creation or someone else’s creation. In real time to work as a team is awesome. Getting the understanding on how important all parts of codetalk fall into the right level of understanding is no easy task. The way that I would try to make this work more at ease is, by this saying I have heard before and that is “less is more”. A better way to describe this is by using less of the sort of same programs for the same or less of codetalk. I also would do this in a less confusing way. I just feel like there are so many paths to do the same thing that then things just start getting lost in translation. For myself my path would be one but the way for someone to design their own would be endless. In all honesty the web has all the answers that one may be looking for. The is my only outlet for when I am not in understanding of something. Even though there have been times where I do know the answer but just want to make sure and the web has the wrong information. This concludes my only reason to maybe design a page where all the information is helpful and truthful. Even if this seems impossible.
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